Steel Mace Warrior - Coach Victoria Islas

Written by | Victoria Islas | ISSA MT, ISSA CHC, B.Msc.

Embracing the Grief Journey: The Black Jaguar and the Warrior’s Heart

Oct 12, 2024

Grief is one of the most profound journeys we will ever experience in life. It’s messy, overwhelming, and often feels never-ending. But what if we could learn to embrace it rather than fight it? In my upcoming book, I share a shamanic meditation story that dives into the heart of grief, loss, and personal transformation. Today, I’m offering you a sneak peek into the story, along with a powerful shamanic meditation to help guide you through your own grief journey.

The Power of Shamanic Meditation for Grief Support

Shamanic meditation has long been used as a way to connect with the deeper, spiritual layers of our emotions. It helps us go beyond the surface and access wisdom that can offer guidance, comfort, and healing. In The Black Jaguar and the Warrior’s Heart, you’ll be introduced to Serin, a young woman weighed down by grief, who seeks help from a legendary shaman.

The shaman, who embodies the spirit of the black jaguar, teaches Serin a profound lesson: grief is not something to be feared or avoided. Instead, it is part of the process that transforms us into stronger, more resilient beings. Just like the jaguar proudly wears her scars as a sign of survival, we, too, can learn to carry our grief as a symbol of our strength and endurance.

Why Grief Is Not the End—It’s a New Beginning

When you’re in the middle of loss, it can feel impossible to see a way forward. You might feel stuck, drowning in sadness, or weighed down by the memories of what once was. But grief, as painful as it is, holds the potential for transformation.

As Serin learns in the story, each loss is a doorway to rebirth. Grief plants the seeds of renewal, even when it feels like we’re being burned by the flames of our sorrow. The key is to trust that within those ashes lies the path to becoming whole again.

Guided Meditation for Healing Through Loss

Along with this heartfelt story, I’ve created a guided shamanic meditation to help you process grief and find strength in your healing journey. This meditation is perfect for anyone looking for grief support, as it focuses on embracing pain as a source of growth.

Through visualizations and spiritual guidance, this meditation helps you connect to your inner warrior and empowers you to rise from the shadows. It’s not about ignoring the pain but allowing it to transform you.

The meditation is below along with the readable version!

Stay Tuned for My New Book!

If you’re on your own grief journey or looking for ways to navigate loss, my upcoming book will provide both comfort and strength. It’s packed with practical guidance on how to push through setbacks and pain using tools like movement (with the steel mace), nutrition, sound healing, meditation, and more! Although there is no set date for its release, I will be keeping in touch with powerful meditations and other resources till then.

The Black Jaguar and the Warrior’s Heart

In a land where legends intertwined with the real, there lived a young woman named Serin. She carried a weight heavier than any burden—the grief of loss. Her past, marked by sorrow and mistakes, felt like a never-ending cycle of struggle. Seeking guidance, Serin ventured to the high cliffs where a legendary shaman, known for her wisdom and mystic powers, resided.

The shaman was said to hold the spirit of the jaguar within her, able to walk between the worlds of woman and beast. Serin approached her, heart heavy from the scars of grief and regret. “I feel broken,” Serin said, her voice fragile. “Every time I try to move forward, life pulls me back down. How can I ever become whole again when the ashes of my past weigh me down?”

The shaman turned to Serin, her body outlined by the setting sun. Without a word, she began to change. Her skin rippled as smooth fur appeared, and soon, the shaman had become a powerful jaguar. She stood tall, her golden eyes full of ancient wisdom. Her black fur was marked with many scars, each telling a story of survival and change.

Serin watched in amazement, feeling a quiet awe as the jaguar’s deep voice filled the air, even though her mouth remained still. “Do you know why the jaguar carries her scars with pride?” the shaman asked, her voice a blend of strength and tenderness. “It is not in spite of the scars that I am strong. It is because of them. Each mark is a reminder of endurance, and more importantly, a reminder that I’ve continued on.”

Serin’s gaze softened, but her heart remained heavy. “But how do I move forward when grief keeps pulling me under, when everything feels lost?”

The jaguar stepped closer, her amber eyes glowing with warmth. “You do not rise in spite of your grief,” she said. “You rise because of it. The ashes of your past—of everything you’ve lost and endured—are not a sign of destruction, but a promise of renewal. Just as I carry my scars with honor, so too must you embrace your grief. It is the fire that will transform you.”

Serin took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the shaman’s words, the truth in her scars. “But how do I keep going when the flames still hurt?” she asked softly.

The jaguar’s voice softened further, her presence calm and steady. “Every scar you bear is a testament to your resilience. Each time life burns you, it plants the seed of your rebirth. The key is not to fear the flames, but to trust that within every challenge, every tear, lies the path to your renewal. Like the jaguar, you must walk through the fires of your grief and rise with the strength that only those who have faced loss can know.”

Serin stood quietly, her heart lighter than it had felt in years. She no longer feared the grief that had once consumed her. Instead, she saw it as part of her journey, the very thing that would shape her into someone renewed. With newfound clarity, she whispered to herself, “I am the black jaguar, and from the shadows, I will rise.”

The jaguar, now silent, nodded as if in understanding. As the last light of day faded, her form shimmered and shifted back into the wise shaman, who smiled gently at Serin, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Remember, child, every loss you face is a doorway to your own rebirth. Rise, not in spite of your grief, but because of it. Wear your scars with pride, for they are the marks of transformation.”

Serin left that sacred place with a heart renewed, ready to move forward once more, knowing that each step would bring her closer to becoming whole again.

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