Steel Mace Warrior - Coach Victoria Islas

Written by | Victoria Islas | ISSA MT, ISSA CHC, B.Msc.

Ask The Mace Masters Series: Becoming Alchemist with Jamie Pinto

Apr 19, 2021

Credible Articles

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In this article we get to know and learn from Jamie Pinto also known as The Alchemist! I think what makes me think about Jamie is his beautiful movement videos. You can check it out below along with a podcast episode we had a while back. But first! Let’s check out this blog interview.


How & When did you get started with flow? 

Jamie: I got started with flow after going to the first Steel Mace Flow certification in Long Beach California. 

How long did it take you to feel satisfied with flow or are you ever satisfied with your practice? 

Jamie: Once I became familiar with pivoting and using the space around me to explore, then I started feeling more satisfied and less restricted. 

Let’s say we have a reader right now that isn’t sure they have the potential to flow. What would you say to them? How can they get started? 

Jamie: Learn Steel Mace Flow Level 1, or go through the Mentorship with one of the SMF education teams. It’s really that simple. I’ve taken all of the steel mace education that’s been available to take, and there is no system that can offer the freedom to explore like Steel Mace Flow. Once you understand the way level one works, you can pick out SMF in every Steel Mace Flow education that exists because it’s a universal map. So to me, that’s the very basic possibilities of how to move a mace around the human body and the language we speak when we teach or take apart anyone’s flow. 

Tell me and the readers about these awesome videos you make that you’ve called “Diary of the Alchemist”? They look like they show all the colors of your aura!

Jamie: Well, I started The Diary because I’ve grown to know it’s important to document your work; with anything you do really. I made the mistake of not documenting enough times of creativity and memories to reflect on earlier in my musical life. It’s a challenge to do each of these videos though. They’re all a little different from each other. You can see when I would do a theme, like when I did “ lights out” for a month ( I wore a blindfold for a month ).  For the most part though, I am leaving a Diary behind. Diaries are intimate. This flow experience is intimate. It can evoke some deeper parts of the self. You can tap into some things that were just waiting to be discovered. It’s funny that you should bring up the word aura though. Auras are a tricky often misunderstood thing,  but it in a way you could say that the Diary is the story of me integrating and strengthening my aura.

I have seen you talk about developing chi. What’s your thoughts on flow and chi? How do they correlate and do you think this would make someone’s practice better? 

Jamie: Developing Chi is a specific intention, in my opinion. Some would argue that. It takes practice to even be sensitive enough to feel it, but it’s there. As far as the correlation between flow and Chi, I would say that developing more Chi would give you more energy to flow with, but not necessarily helping you attain flow or flow state. Flow is an elusive thing, as is Chi, but there’s things that can take you out of flow or get in the way of flow. The same isn’t true with developing Chi in my experience. You can develop Chi by just breathing rhythmically and concentrating on where to send it. After practicing it, you could do it while having a conversation or driving. Flow is different. I find that flow can sometimes depend on your emotional state. If you’re frustrated or anxious, you’re not going to find flow very easily.  You have to switch modes. The easiest way to switch modes is breathing. Our breath controls everything. The first thing someone will say is to take some deep breaths if you’re all worked up about whatever. So it’s the same for putting yourself in the state to flow. Flow is calm and alert, sorting data as it comes to you. Find the breath that makes you feel that and make friends with it.

Tell the readers one training tip that you think could be a life changer for someone getting into Steel Mace Flow or someone who’s been flowing? 

Jamie: Be gracious for the journey. Take it as it comes. Don’t compare yourself with anyone except yourself as time passes. The education exists for you to find your way, and if there’s something specific that’s escaping you, then there’s a SMF coach who would love to teach you.

What’s something anyone training with a Steel Mace could easily miss when Training and that could ultimately affect their entire flow? I have seen some of your Dojo replay videos and I just feel like you might have something interesting to say.

Jamie: The first thing I would say is to remember that you’re training with a weapon. Treat it as such. Wield it as such. It’s just been branded as a fitness tool, but at the end of the day, it’s for going to battle. Once you start to remember that, you’ll move like it. 

You are part of the flow artists! What does being a flow artist mean to you personally? I think this was you even before the term got thrown out! You have an artist’s soul!

Jamie: Well shucks…I’m just being me. An Artist to me is someone who can convey knowledge and wisdom through the medium of art. We can go down the rabbit hole of all the different forms, genres, and era’s of art, but the original meaning of art was to encapsulate an idea or knowledge to be passed on. We can see this in ancient artifacts and architecture. Everything had a purpose and that purpose was to convey an idea, a practice, a ritual, or a deity. So the Artist was really the story teller or teacher with whatever was being created. I didn’t always see art this way, but as I continue to grow and refine myself, this is the way that I’ve started to approach it. The True Artist has the power to change and reshape existing paradigms. 

In your opinion, what does it take to flow like yourself?

Jamie: Flowing like me just means doing the reps and going over the SMF education numerous times. I’m an eternal student. I love learning , practicing, and applying. But really, I don’t want anyone to flow like me. I want them to flow like them. That’s why it’s beautiful. Sure technique can always be improved with some tips, but flow is really autonomous to each practitioner. It’s beautiful to see the differences in the tiniest nuances of the way people move. Those are the aspects that my eyes pick up on instead of how many tricks someone knows or how fast they move.

Lastly, where can people find out more about you! And is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? I know you just set up a patreon which I thought was AWESOME! What can people expect from your patreon membership?

Jamie: I setup my patreon for two reasons; one is that I don’t want to be flagged for discussing topics that I feel have enriched my life, but may not be for general consumption on social media, and the other is to have a platform to feature longer exclusive tutorials with all things mace. I don’t see social media as a place for tutorials. People are just busy scrolling. So my patreon is a departure from the scrolling, and something that you can sit and absorb instead. At the moment though, I’m just building content for it. At a later date my hopes are that if people enjoy my content and decide to become a patron, then I’ll start doing live streams discussing topics and techniques not for general consumption in which I’ve had years of direct experience with. If a reader would like to join the patreon, it’s linked in my bio on my Instagram. Instagram or Facebook would be the other platforms to find me on.

Did you know Jamie as on the Steel Mace Warrior Podcast? Check out his podcast episode here:

And here is one of those beautiful movement videos from his YouTube channel, make sure you subscribe to his YouTube: